Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Sixth day of DFI

Today our focus was on using devices.
We experienced using iPads and Chromebooks - I use Chromebooks during staff meetings as I don't have a laptop, but I didn't know all the Chromebook shortcuts; it felt today like we were learning a language which was similar to the one we know, but had lots of little 'twists' which were confusing at first. Once I found the shortcuts for Chromebook it was easy to use them to get the same results as I do on a laptop or desktop.
I had never used an iPad before; it was initially daunting, but I kept asking questions of those around me and the instructors, and was able to pick up how to do things quickly. We used this to make presentations at a Primary level; this seemed to be easy to pick up and apply.
The last main thing we did today was to create a screencastify. We were tasked to create one about an aspect of being cybersmart; I chose to create one about smart surfing, as this is something I am currently focussing on with my Year 9 and 10 classes. My first effort was 9 minutes long, so I tried to cut this down to 3 minutes; I was not entirely successful as my second attempt was 5 minutes, but it was a reduction in the time the first one took! One of our staff uses this tool a lot with her classes to create 'rewindable learning'; this will be good for students who are auditory learners.
My 5 minute effort is below:

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