Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Seventh Day of DFI

Today we were focussing on media and how to use some of the other tools on Google.
It was interesting to see how we could set up youtube playlists. I had been sharing links with 3 of my students via Hapara Dashboard only a few minutes earlier, but was now able to set up a playlist containing all the links I had shared with them, and then embed this on the subject website.
This will allow me to set up playlists for each learning intention within each subject, and the students can use the site as it was originally intended, as a "one stop shop" so that all relevant information is on there. We also looked at how to livestream to youtube; this might be good for school events, but you need plenty of equipment for this (perhaps we could ask for more money in our budget for 2020?)

We then had a tutu with Google Slides. After seeing a few, we were able to start thinking about creating an animation of our own. I chose to do something simplistic, which may amuse my own children, but I can see how this may be something which our students could do (probably more as a starter activity at the start of a topic, than as the main presentation, but possibly it could be used for this purpose).

The last task of the day was to create a new drawing as our 'About Me' section on our blog. I used a tool called colourpick eyedropper; this meant that when I'd copied the school badge, I could use this tool to find the exact same colours used, and then turn these into my background colours, so that my photo matched the school colours, linking my photo with the school subtly!


  1. Hey Alistair,
    I really like how you created your about me picture! Great photo on it too! The youtube part of today's session was very interesting- so many things I didn't know about, I also used to share with my kids through Hapara. Hopefully your school can get a drone to capture your school events- would be amazing too see!

  2. It would be cool to get a drone, but we're on the landing path for the hospital, so we might have to take it off-site!
    I love giving students the 'behind the scenes' information - it keeps everything interesting and transparent.

  3. Hi Alistair

    I hope you share your animation with your boys I'm sure they would love to have a tutu and make one themselves ;). No doubt I'll see some good playlists on your site in the coming weeks, perfect for students on the jump start programme who might like to prepare themselves for senior subjects over the holidays.
